Monday 28 July 2008

Dirty Dancing

One of the oft cited benefits of immigration (aside from the plain economic one) is the enrichment of the host culture with new ideas, art, chicken korma, Polish sausage, language and all sorts of other cultural goodies.

Living proof of this is Zbigniew Colbecki who came from Poland to England three years ago and has introduced this to our streets:

For all those who will be forced to do litter-picking as punishment for being sick and/or unemployed under the new welfare reform proposals (of which more another day), have no fear, see, it can be great fun! Although it must be pointed out that the man in the video was not part of any welfare-to-work scheme and was just doing his regular day job.

However, once this catches on more widely, I predict a backlash against such cushy community service activities and a new crackdown will be announced -probably by the Conservatives who are widely expected to form the next government and there will grow up a big divide between the deserving litter-picking dancers and the undeserving who will not be allowed to dance and will be made to wear sad faces instead of an Ipod.

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