Tuesday 29 July 2008

Lancashire Hot Plot

I have no truck with all this Labour leadership challenge nonsense based as it is on a great deal of hype in the media as most ably blogged by the delectable Sadie at, er, 'Sadie's Tavern' who, I have to say, delivers a post with all the punch of the great Muhammad Ali -floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, dancing around the canvas, bouncing off the ropes, jabbing her opponents quite efficiently...

...anyway, no truck with all that, but couldn't resist, fond of my Lancastrian heritage and food and thinking myself occasionally funny and that the MSM missed a trick here, posting the title 'Lancashire Hot Plot' as a paraphrase of this article in the Indy.

For those of you who don't get the cultural reference here's a picture:

Northern delicacy, Lancashire Hotpot with obligatory Red Cabbage(although this is presented rather more posher than I am used to).

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