Monday 28 July 2008

Nagging gets results

After years of campaigning by women's groups, at last the double-standard which operates in the exercise of justice in murder cases in the context of domestic violence seems set to be addressed. Or at least its up for consultation.

On a day-to-day level 'nagging' often takes the form of simple requests to perform domestic tasks.

As I always say, there would be no such thing as nagging if men/women/sons/daughters/lawmakers/etc did as they were told in the first place.

Indeed this man feels patronised for the converse:

"Getting praised for successfully carrying out basic baby tasks soon felt oddly emasculating and patronising, since the subtext seemed to be that not much more should be expected from me."

So come on you blokes, for it will be mainly them making and implementing the laws, get your hands dirty and together with your campaigning sisters let's see some sensible equality in the law.

You can read the proposals and respond to the consultation here.

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