I have to get up early in the morning and be a responsible carer to my son, duty-bound to carry out a number of caring tasks, efficiently, on his behalf. See how the full exercise of my citizen rights as theorised by T H Marshall are so curtailed. Actually, I am coming down with something awful at the moment as well. The esteemed pundits on the BBC, including a US bemoustached bloke called Larry who seems to know what he is talking about seem to be indicating that it might be ok to go to bed and catch up with the news in the morning.
Poor as I am, I quite foresightedly invested in a small portable digital TV some months ago when it was on special offer at a local electrical retail outlet, though I still had to forego some fresh vegetables and soles on my shoes. So, I can go to bed and sleep with one eye open as I have become accustomed to as a carer anyway
1.45am Georgia ...Democrats hoped to win (in some kind of more massive landslide) but maybe going for McCain.
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