Wednesday 12 November 2008

What a PANSI

Have much to say about international events such as the US elections and the International Financial Crisis in the UK (IFCUK). Which is what I really want to be doing.

However, as ever, caring tasks and the 'meetings' I am involved in have prevented me from posting it. Hopefully, at some point, when it is not totally irrelevant, I will be able to comment, as the IFCUK is not going to go away, ANyTime Soon (ANTS).

So much for the government's intention that I should, as a carer, whose contribution is acknowledged/respected/valued, be able to have an ordinary (blogging?) life (almost oblong) etc etc though they (the govt) have made clear I must wait 'til 2018 for this, or something, by which times having an ordinary life will be an absurdity as I will be in some kind of recovery process myself from the trauma, yes trauma, of being a life-long carer (toll).

There is a school of thought (soot) that in this process of 'involving carers' in the achieving of ordinariness (achoo) we must do away with all that jargon and acrynomiousness in local govt official-speak (logoffs) in order to make it 'more accessible' (mass).

But I have to say, that for my own entertainment, I have begun, in this rather serious environment I have been forced into, to make a mental note of some of the more amusing acronyms I have come across and am well considering a Campaign to save Amusing Acronyms (CAMPAS) like PANSI.

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