Thursday 31 July 2008


Now the woman doesn't need the extra publicity (so I won't link to the article and I would recommend you ignore it altogether, don't even be tempted to google it!) but I feel it my duty as a self-appointed guardian of public morality to 'condemn a little more' as recommended by John Major himself.

Edwina Currie has written an article for the Daily Moraliser about the respective abilities of men and women in keeping affairs secret. She should know, as she boasts.

The article it seems was prompted by a survey on the subject although it doesn't mention which. She uses explicit words to describe her affair and parades the scheming she did to make and cover her liaisons with John Major as if it were a badge of honour. She also takes the opportunity to disingenously justify her revealing the affair when she published her 'memoir' in 2002.

She reckons she wanted to expose John Major's duplicity in espousing his 'Back to Basics' agenda. Pity she waited till they were out of government to do so and in the meantime such rhetoric had been used to vilify lone/single parents to the point where it became publicly acceptable to cut their benefits.

More like salacious, money-grubbing.

Now I'm no prude, stuff happens, especially with human beings and emotions and such like and all this is old news but why-oh-why has she now published the full, tawdry details of their lying and cheating during their affair while there is still a wife to be hurt, not to mention a public to be offended by such brazen publication. Sell anything these Tories, including other people's dignity.

Speaking of which this is the woman that used to tell old people to wear a woolly hat and longjohns if they couldn't afford their heating bills in winter at which point they awkwardly died of hypothermia.

Earlier this year Chris Grayling, the Tory shadowy figure for Moral Issues, vowed to tackle 'Shameless' families (in a reference to the 'non-traditional' Gallagher family in the Channel 4 programme 'Shameless).

They should start by putting their own house in order.

And as for that daily tabloid which seeks to comment on the great moral issues of the day, why they have given space to this shamelessness is beyond me.

So incensed am I, I had to just check the postcode on my extortionate utility bill to see if it began with TN.

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