Thursday 17 July 2008

Fair comment

From here

"By 2009, the British people will have endured 30 years of unfettered free market economics. Thatcherism didn't disappear with Thatcher. The economic doctrine promulgated by Frederich Von Hayek and Milton Friedman is still the only player in town. Thatcher loved it and used it to smother Keynesianism. Major just trundled along, extalling the virtues of 'trickle down' economics and Blair then augmented the ideology under the guise of 'New Socialism'. As the philosopher John Gray has stated 'once in power, it was clear that Blair came not to bury Thatcher, but to continue 'her work'. Brown is following the same path but is hiding under the stairs until Cameron moves in. The paradox is that without the state and its numerous interventions and the generous amounts collected each year through the much reviled tax system the free market myth would lie flat on its arse. Our tax is not being utilised in the creation of a decent, fair society for all. It is being used to shore up the institutions of a failing free market; used to perpetuate the myth of monetarism; used to hammer a square Chicago School economics peg into a hole that is finding accomodation increasingly irritating. In short, the economic model thrust upon this country in 1979 aint working and until a political party arrives on the scene with the guts to say so, oh and to tell the CBI to fuck off, its business as usual folks."

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